The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Graduated from Penn State with a Ph.D. in Accounting in 1987. Came to Lehigh University as an Instructor. Earned tenure in 1994. Now serving as Chair and Professor of Accounting since 2007. Spent one year working for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in 2006-07 as an Academic Accounting Fellow in the Division of Corporation Finance on Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 related projects. Received SEC's Law and Policy Award from SEC Chairman Christopher Cox for work on internal control evaluation and PCAOB's Auditing Standards No. 2 and 5 implementing S-OX Section 404My research and teaching interests are in corporate governance, risk management, internal auditing, public accounting, audit committee and quality of financial reporting etc. Had opportunity to engage in several significant consulting engagements with Big-4 and Fortune 500 corporations in these areas. I enjoyed my time and education at Penn State.